
HomeMain page
UsabilityMaterials on usability and user-centered design
ArticlesUsability-related articles
“One thousand square pixels of canvas”On evolution of icons in graphical interfaces
“Anatomy of a website”Usual components of a website and common pitfalls while making them
“Before the launch of a website”A checklist of things to make sure of before a WWW site goes public
“Site maps”Why and how to make usable site maps
“Usability above all”Basics of WWW usability
“Desk on the screen”History of Graphical User Interfaces
EvaluationsAuthor’s usability evaluations
Holiday VisionUsability assessment report of Holiday Vision website prototype
10 reasonsA tongue-in-cheek report describing usability issues with Ericsson T65
www.wi.ps.plUsability assessment of Szczecin’s Faculty of Computer Science’s website
plan.wi.ps.plUsability assessment of Szczecin’s Faculty of Computer Science’s class schedule subsite
Problems with Gadu-GaduA report showcasing 111 usability issues in popular Polish communication program Gadu-Gadu
PapersAuthor’s papers and publications
Master’s ThesisMarcin Wichary’s Master’s Thesis
Differences in WWW renderingA publication describing differences in rendering WWW code in different browsers
LecturesMaterials for lectures on usability and user-centered design
#1Lecture #1: Usability basics
#2Lecture #2: Mapping and errors
#3Lecture #3: History of user interfaces and GUIs
#4Lecture #4: Methods of usability testing
LaboratoriesSummaries of laboratories on usability and user-centered design
#3Laboratory #3: Dialog box design
WebsitesLinks to important usability websites
BooksInformation about interesting usability books
Computer historyVarious materials on computer history
ArticlesArticles about computer history
“Macintosh. Twenty years later”The history of Macintosh
“Computer for the rest of us”The history of Macintosh (in Polish)
“25 years of spreadsheets”A short history of spreadsheets
EssaysMarcin Wichary’s essays
“We’re computerizing”An archival column about the beginnings of Poland’s computerization
“The game for tomorrow”Reprints of vintage interviews from “Bajtek” magazine, regarding the future of Polish computer science
AdvertisementsVintage software and hardware advertisements
BooksInformation about interesting computer history books
TerminologyVarious information about computer terminology
“Terminological terminator”Cult column describing various terminological issues
InformatykaArticles from Informatyka magazine
About the authorMore information about Marcin Wichary
ContactContact with the author
C.V.Marcin Wichary’s curriculum vitæ/resumé
PortfolioMarcin Wichary’s portfolio
PublicationsAssorted publications and articles
UsabilityAchievements in usability field
MiscellanyMiscellaneous pages
Tango & CashComparison of different translations of the movie “Tango and Cash” to Polish language
Site historyA list of site updates

Copyright © 2002-2005 Marcin Wichary