
Currently available editions:


  • #1 (June 1987): introduction and basic terms
  • #2 (July 1987): funny translations and joystick (must-read!)
  • #3 (August 1987): interface and being under control
  • #4 (September 1987): compatibility and notation for kilobytes
  • #5 (October 1987): execution and initialization
  • #6 (November 1987): being under control
  • #7 (December 1987): readers’ letters, Desktop Publishing, digitizer and streamer


  • #8 (January 1988): readers’ letters
  • #9 (February 1988): terminology vs. expertise
  • #10 (March 1988): being under control and acronyms
  • #11 (May 1988): home computers vs. personal computers
  • #12 (June 1988): readers’ letters and borrowings
  • #13 (July 1988): code line, precision and linking
  • #14 (August 1988): examples of incorrect translations
  • #15 (September 1988): examples of incorrect translations
  • #16 (October 1988): rules for creating acronyms
  • #17 (November 1988): linker, debugger and code listing
  • #18 (December 1988): scanner, digitizer and converter


  • #19 (January 1989): spooling
  • #20 (February 1989): precision and accuracy
  • #21 (March 1989): loading
  • #22 (April 1989): scanner and code line
  • #23 (May 1989): small programs and microprograms
  • #24 (June 1989): sprite and cartridge
  • #25 (July 1989): handshaking, display, interface and joystick
  • #26 (September 1989): interpreter, server, handler, spooler and directory
  • #27 (October 1989): editing

1990 (incomplete)

  • #28 (January 1990): funny translations

Page added on 3rd February 2003, and updated on 27th March 2003.

Copyright © 2002-2005 Marcin Wichary