Now is the time for all good people to come to the aid of the party. Now is the
time for all good people to come to the aid of the party. Now is the time for all
good people to come to the aid of the party.
Font: px
Line height (%):
The distance between baselines as multiplication of a default font line height value. ¶ Note: This is not multiplication of font size; each font has its own default line height that it starts with.
Line height (pixels):
The distance between baselines in pixels.
Baseline shift:
An adjustment to move the text within the box up and down, without changing the geometry of the box, usually without clipping.
The default line height coming from the font file. You cannot access or modify this value via CSS otherwise; any other option will override it instead.
Distance between baselines in pixels. Contrary to apps and Android, any extra space will be distributed evenly above and below, pushing the top line down.
A multiplier of font size. Any children elements will have their line height computed (multiplied) also.
A multiplier of font size. The difference from the above is that any children elements will have the exact same computed line height. ¶ Note that this is different to the % in many apps which is expressed as % of the default font-specific line height, rather than % of the font size.
A multiplier of font size. Exact same as above.
Not identical to true baseline shift (background would move with the element, clipping might occur), but can be used to approximate it.
Multiplied from the default font-specific line height (not the font size). Different from Android and similar to web in how the extra space is distributed both above and below the text. The value of 0.0 is the same as 1.0.
Extra space between lines of text. ¶ Note: This is different than paragraph spacing; the extra space is added in between all the lines.
This is just repositioning the element. It’s not identical to true baseline shift (background would move with the element, clipping might occur), but can be used to approximate it.
Multiplied from the default font-specific line height (not the font size). Different from iOS and similar to apps in how the extra space is distributed only below the text.
Extra space between lines of text. ¶ Note: This is different than paragraph spacing; the extra space is added in between all the lines. ¶ Contrary to iOS, this can also be a negative value.
( , )
Identical to two values above, just a shorthand.
This is an alternative to both options below. If this and any of the above options are specified, this will take precedence.
This is just repositioning the element. It’s not identical to true baseline shift (background would move with the element, clipping might occur), but can be used to approximate it. TK takes precedence